среда, 13 мая 2009 г.

FreeNX Server on Ubuntu

I. Установка сервера
1. Удаляем существующие файлы NX-сервера:
$ sudo dpkg -r nxserver
$ sudo dpkg -r nxnode

2. Добавим в список источников новый репозиторий:
$ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/marceloshima/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/marceloshima/ubuntu hardy main

3. Обновляем список пакетов:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

4. Устанавливаем ПО:
sudo apt-get install expect openssh-server nxlibs nxagent nxproxy freenx-server

II. Команды
--adduser : Add a new user
--passwd : Change password of
--deluser : Remove a user from nx
--listuser: List enabled users

--start: Start the nx server
--stop: Stop the nx server
--status: Show status of nx server
--restart: Restart the nx server. (start,stop)

--list [ user | sessionid ]: List running sessions of user or sessionid
--history [ user | sessionid | clear ]: Show history [ of user | sessionid ] or clear the history
--terminate : Terminate the session pointed to by
sessionid or display, or all sessions of the specified user.
Use * for all sessions.
--force-terminate: Like terminate, but removes also session info.
--suspend : Suspend the session pointed to by
sessionid or display, or all sessions of the specified user.
Use * for all sessions.
--cleanup: Terminates all running sessions. Useful after power-outage.

--broadcast : Send a message to all users
--send : Send a message to the specified user or sessionid

III. Установка клиента
1. http://www.nomachine.com/download.php
2. http://www.nomachine.com/download-client-linux.php - linux-clients

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